11/20- at BLACK GOLD-a Celestial Journey in MUSIC, POETRY & FASHION w, Mfundishi, Imani & Nadi & others!!!
You are invited to attend a Special Event! if any problem viewing flyer visit www.imaniScreations.com
CORRECTION!- Admission is $5- less at the Door!- Pay only $15- & $7.50 if performing!!! $10-Advance tickets are available up until 7:30pm at BLACK GOLD more info call 1-866-270-3170
 Come & Take a Celestial Journey with us during a... Night of Music, Poetry & Fashion! Featuring- Nadi, Mfundishi Jhutyms , Imani Scott & Guest Performers
Highlights- Kultural FASHION & JEWELRY SHOW that adorns & Heightens your Divinity, Beauty & Power! Clothing Designs by Mfundishi- Black Gold Jewelry Designs by Imani Scott- Imani's Creations Bola's Boutique Marilyn's NY Boutique
Sat, Nov 20, 2010 8pm-Midnight $10- adv/$15- @Door *50% off Price if Performing in Open-Mic (Positive Vibes Only) *$5- adv. up to 7:30pm & $7.50 after 8:00pm! BLACK GOLD Sacred Kultural Healing Center
70 W. 125th St 3rd Floor (Malcolm X & 5th Ave)
SPECIAL GIFT OFFER! Fill out our Survey at the event & be eligible to WIN a Special Gift! | 
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Kultural Gift Shop on site, with Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) Artifacts, Holistic Books, Dvds, Crystals & Great Gift items, etc & Special Kick-off LAUNCH... |
art, artifacts, artist, beauty, crystals, culture, edutainment, egyptian, empowerment, enlightment, entertainment, fashion, fun, history, jewelry, kemet, kulture, leisure, music, poetry, travel, wealth, wisdom
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