WELL TONIGHT... I'm LETTING the CAT OUT the BAG, spilling ALL the BEANS, & will SHOW & TELL it ALL! So meet me @the Watson Hotel tonight 4/17 @7pm -9pm at 440 W 54th St- (9/10 av) or request via INBOX to my NY team, to get VIRTUAL ACCESS to our VEGAS SECRETS during THIS WEEK ONLY, plus GET a Complimentary 1-4 night LAS VEGAS STAY GIFT for 2 (w/ NO time share presentation) &/or other TREATS EXCLUSIVELY from Imani TRAVEL & Partners! At first we just invited a select few VIP for tonight, but this is toooo GOOD, so felt compelled to open it up & let you in on this GREAT STUFF U NEED to KNOW! My LIFE is NOT the same after Vegas, I've seem the LIGHT! Don't wait to accept this VIP invite or share with a friend or loved one, either way FOLLOW UP ASAP!!! You'll be GLAD U DID!!! :)
COME BY, or MADE a DATE or INBOX me or my colleague who shared this invite with you or for more info or to RSVP: call Imani Scott 646-201-9644 or email
#itwontstayinVegas, #Vegassecrets, #vegastips, #stayinvegas...
lasvegas, paycation, travel, vegas
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wE'RE TONIGHT, I'm LETTING the CAT OUT the BAG, spilling ALL the BEANS, & will SHOW & TELL it ALL! So meet me @the Watson Hotel tonight 4/17 @7pm -9pm at 440 W 54th St- (9/10 av) or request via INBOX to my NY team, to get VIRTUAL ACCESS to our VEGAS SECRETS during THIS WEEK ONLY, plus GET a Complimentary 1-4 night LAS VEGAS STAY GIFT for 2 (w/ NO time share presentation) &/or other TREATS EXCLUSIVELY from Imani TRAVEL & Partners! At first we just invited a select few VIP for tonight, but this is toooo GOOD, so felt compelled to open it up & let you in on this GREAT STUFF U NEED to KNOW! My LIFE is NOT the same after Vegas, I've seem the LIGHT! Don't wait to accept this VIP invite or share with a friend or loved one, either way FOLLOW UP ASAP!!! You'll be GLAD U DID!!! :)
COME BY, or MADE a DATE or INBOX me or my colleague who shared this invite with you or for more info or to RSVP: call Imani Scott 646-201-9644 or email
#itwontstayinVegas, #Vegassecrets, #vegastips, #stayinvegas...
lasvegas, paycation, travel, vegas
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ImaniTravel invite 4/23 to NYC Financial Empowerment Event
APRIL IS -National Financial Literacy Month
Sat, April 23, 2016 You're invited to be a Special GUEST of Imani TRAVEL & Partners at this BIG EVENT!
This Exciting event will feature FIVE of the TOP $100K EARNERS of PAYCATION TRAVEL, they will share HOW to GET PAID to TRAVEL, HOW to TRAVEL at WHOESALE RATES, HOW to MAXIMIZE on TAX BENEFITS of a HOME- BASED BUSINESS, HOW to SAVE on your ESSENTIAL SERVICES & MUCH MORE! Become more Financially Intelligent about HOW to get MORE VALUE for your money, that you're already spending, so YOU can KEEP MORE MONEY in your POCKET or extend usage of your currency, and not continue depriving yourself of goals you'd really like to achieve in this Life!
Guests will enter Free.
GUESTS RSVP ASAP or by 4/22/16 with ImaniTRAVEL via. Facebook event page or email
or Call 800-805-4614 to confirm
Partners $15- adv/$20 @door
For MORE info &/or RSVP CLICK HERE or Visit

business, entrepreneurship, financial empowerment, financial literacy, opportunity, paycation, steps to success, success, system, training, travel, wealth
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Feb 16 & 23 Our HARLEM ECONOMIC & TRAVEL Community Session for Black History Month!

Thursday Feb 16 & 23, 2012
7:00pm-9:00pm Business Presention & TRAVEL CLUB Membership, FREE PRIZES & Give-A-Ways!
Location: N.A.M.A 107 W. 130th St 2nd fl. (Malcolm X & ACP Blvd) Trains: #2/3 to 135 (elevator) or 125th St
ALL are welcomed to attend! Adm: GUESTS FREE Traverus/Paycation Members: $5.00 suggested donation (No member will be turned away if you don't have it at this time).
HIGHLIGHTS: We will highlight Travel Club members Mfundishi Jhutyms Salim, Imani Scott, Ruth Harris and upcoming Pilgrimages, Tours & T rips with our Harlem Team International to Kemet/AFRICA, Caribbean, our Holistic-Jazz Cruise, plus other trips, services and workshops.
Present to Audience: New CAREER options & NEW INCOME streams that not only contributes to support the works of Dr. L Jeffries, Black Gold Jhuty Heru Neb-Hu Per Ankh and some of our Institutions, but equally important, RECIPROCATES BENEFITS to the travel club member as well.
TRAVEL: Team will Show Pictures & share from our past TRIPS/ CRUISES/ FAM trips together. Present other TRIPS & TRAVEL SPICIALS! SPECIAL PRIZE...
blackhistorymonth, business, careers, economics, paycation, travel
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CRUISE- LAST CHANCES to BOOK MSC for $239-pp as Guests of Imani & Ruth!
LAST CHANCE to BOOK YOUR CRUISE!!! *Above Price Includes ALL Port Fees & Gov’t Taxes! Subject to Availability CHILDREN UNDER 17 yrs old & under *CRUISE FREEEE (*pay only Taxes) ALL ABOARD the Beautiful MSC Poetic Cruise Ship 4/23- 4/27/10 Come See the Seas with us! As we also Celebrate Ruth’s Birthday! Prices include ALLL Taxes & Gov't Port Fees per person!!! We Can take up to 12 more people (Non-Members) at THIS AMAZING PRICE!!! We will have to process your Booking. FOR MORE DETAILS on THIS CRUISE: Guests of Imani C. Scott: CLICK HERE! or VISIT: FOR OTHER DEEP AMAZING UPCOMING DISCOUNT TRIPS & TRAVEL INFO: CLICK HERE! or Visit:
_________________________________________________________ GUESTS of RUTH HARRIS: CLICKHERE or VIST: For UPCOMING DISCOUNTED TRIPS with RUTH : CLICK HERE! Or VISIT: ________________________________________________________________________ For Assistance, Details or to BOOK Contact: Imani Scott: 646-201-9644 Ruth Harris: 347-489-3472 Or Email:, or or
bahamas, birthday, cruise, deals, discount, florida, fun, get away, key west, party, paycation, vacation
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