Black Gold Travel Event for Black History Month!
 As we Celebrate our Culture & African Heritage... You are invited to attend a Special Event!
Thank you for visiting our Website!  As we Celebrate African-American Heritage this Month Special Leisure & Economic Empowering Evening- Thurs, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:00pm Mfundishi Jhutyms , Imani Scott & other Economic Development & Travel Partners (Dr. Leonard Jeffries says he may drop by!) ***Travel LIKE the PRO'S*** How to Economically Benefit Yourself, Our Families, Communities in Destination HARLEM" , CARIBBEAN, AFRICA & the Diaspora Traveling the Globe as an INSIDER!
Black Gold Sacred Kultural Healing Center 70 W. 125th St 3rd Floor (Malcolm X & 5th Ave) GUESTS : FREE All Guests who R.S.V.P, Before the event will be eligible to WIN a Special Leisure Travel & Black History Month Gift!- Travel Partners: $10- Sugg. Donation
africa, business, career, caribbean, children, cruises, culture, destinations, economics, educational, enlightenment, family, finances, flights, freedom, harlem, heritage, history, hotels, leisure, money, possibilities, resorts, tours, travel, vacations, world
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2/14/08 Come Celebrate BLACK LOVE!!!
| Songbird Imani & Friends invited you to: |
| | February 14, 2008 at 7:00pm- 9:00pm The Uptown Juice Bar |
| Come engage in the vibes of Celebrating BLACK LOVE, Celebrate LOVE your CREATOR, LOVE of YOURSELF, LOVE of your RELATIONSHIPS, LOVE of our CULTURE... LOVE of ALL that's GOOD in YOUR LIFE! While you DINE by CANDLELIGHT... DELIGHT in a sultry LOVE Serenade by songbird- IMANI SCOTT & Succulent POETRY from SPOKEN WORD artists! ************FREE GIVE-A-WAYS***************** -COME WIN a FREE CRUISE for TWO to the BAHAMAS! & MORE! -First 10 guests will recieve a FREE "LOVE GEMSTONE" -Rose Quartz fr. AFRICA! -IMANi'S CREATIONS line of Products & perfect Gifts will be on SALE! -SAVE10% off ANY Gemstone Jewelry with HEARTS &/or GEMSTONES for LOVE !
* Complimentary Sparkling Cider will be served |
blackhistorymonth, cruises, dining, fun, gemstones, jewelry, lastminutegifts, liveentertainment, love, music, poetry, prizes, romance, singing, valentines day
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The VACATIONS you've been WAINTG for...

The Holiday's are over and now is the time for the vacation you've been waiting for. So grab your favorite beach chair and join us at N.A.M.A as we show you how to plan the perfect lOW or NO COST Voyage/Vacations, while receiving the Rolls Royce treatments for your family, friends and of course yourself!
Thursday night will be full of information to make 2008 the most prosperous year of your life. Please plan to join us and be sure to bring some friends!!!
Host: | Imani's Creations/ Traverus Travels | Location: | New Amsterdam Musical Assoc. (N.A.M.A) 107 W 130th Street, Harlem, NY 10027 US
| When: | Thursday, January 24, 7:00PM | Phone: | 646-201-9644 |
adventure, amusement, beach, beaches, business, cruises, entrepreneur, freedom, fun, homebased business, joy, love, luxury, relaxation, travel, travel agents, trips, vacations, wealth
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