2/11 & 12, Imani's LOVE DISPLAY & SALES Event!!!!
Imani's Creations & hosting a LOVE FEST WEEKEND & you're invited to COME get STONED with LOVE!!! If interested INBOX us NOW or text 646-702-7429, for a chance to take Crystal LOVE Workshop FREE! Surprize promo ends 2/10/17 at 11:00pm EST!
BUY Ticket or Make Resevations at : Http://imaniLOVE.eventbrite.com

black power, black unity, buy black, gemstoneoflove, love, organize
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Imani's invite to HELP our YOUTH & TRANSFORM Violence into LOVE!
Help change the lives of youth in a community that needs LOVE!
LOVE U.S. is a media arts based violence prevention program that has helped hundreds of youth in New York City for over 12 years! To donate your support for this initiative please visit:
For more information please visit: http://newyork.leaveoutviolence.org/

community, donations, empowerment, fundraiser, help, love, project, stop violence, support, youth
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11/15- Know Thyself Dinner & Presentation Event!

books, brooklyn, family, healing, honor, lectures, lloyd strahorn, love, numerlogics, numerology, presentations, respect, trust, vendors
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Wishing youGreat Joy & the Best of Health this Holiday Season! I pray you'll enjoy a Beautiful New Year of Wellness, Abundance and Pro$perity for 2014 and Beyond! All the best to you and your family! I look forward to seeing you again somewhere during this Special Season of Celebrations! Wishing ALL the BEST to you and your family!
With Utmost Regards,
 Imani Scott Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. 646-201-9644/ 800-805-4614 www.ImaniScreations.com www.imani.myttn.com http://imani.paycation.com |
abundance, best wishes, family, hapiness, health prosperity, holidays, joy, love, meditation, peace, prayer, sacred time, seasons greetings
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Photos from Het Hru PARTY!
Had an AWESOME Time at the Het Hru Party! As usual I felt like I was home with the Asar Auset family and truly loved performing around people who are consistent with their love & support! Shekem Ur Shekem holding his Imani Cd's! Along with other Fans from the Ausar Auset Community! More PHOTOS will be POSTED SOON!
ausarauset, cds, drinks, entertainment, food, hetheru, imani, love, music, performance, singing
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11/9-Imani SINGS at Asar Auset Het Heru PARTY!
Imani is SINGING later on tonight 11/9/13 at a Het Heru PARTY! FREE ADMISSION! (8PM-1AM) at Ausar Auset's NEW LOCATION! -305 Remsen Ave (corner of Clarkson) Bklyn, NY! Come & Enjoy GREAT Music, Food, Drinks & MORE! All are welcome to join the members of Ausar Auset in celebrating the awesome moon cycle of Het Heru with the spirit of Love, Beauty, Abundance, Pro$perity through Dance, Entertainment & Meriment! The colors are Green & Yellow for Het Heru but NOT required to dance & join in allll the FUN!

ausarauset, cds, drinks, entertainment, food, hetheru, imani, love, music, performance, singing
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GIVING THANKS for U- Greetings fr. Imani w. Queen Afua Video Message!
Giving Thanks for the GIFTS of LOVE, Thank you for your Friendship, Business &/or Support! YOU are a PRECIOUS GEM!
May the Blessings of Good Health, Good Times & Good Fortunes FILL your Day TODAY & Day's AHEAD! EVERYDAY WE HAVE BREATH in OUR BODY is a GREAT DAY, Thank you, for the Good you DO, Have Done
& will DO along the way!
and in ALL THINGS "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS" - Quote from my great friend - the Awesome, Beautiful. the Super Talented, the Late James Stovall, Jr.SAFE & Joyous TRAVELS and ...
Have a HAPPY, HEALTHY time GIVING THANKS! May these Helpful HEALTHY tips for the Holidays from Queen Afua- (Holistic Practitioner and Author) be a Great Inspiration to those seek this!! CLICK on VIDEO Box or Link Below to View!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqESOyqDtY4  | Thanksgiving the Holistic way |
|  | Peace, POWER & Pro$perity,
Imani C. Scott, CEO & Founder Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. 646-201-9644 800-805-4614 vm/fax
|  | | | |
blessings, celebration, family, food, giving, happiness, happy, healing, health, love, native americans, rememberance, reunion, thanks, togetherness, turtleisland, unity
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Imani will be SINGING & SHOWCASING at this AWESOME EVENT! as we are being EMPOWERED & ALIGNED in our HIGHEST GOOD, rising in the HEIGHTS of CONSCIOUSNESS... for the DAWNING of OURTIME in this NEW AGE has COME as we UNITE as ONE with LIKE MINDS & HEARTS! Meanwhile some are preparing for DOOM & GLOOM, cause when we come together, work together, heal together in Truth ... it ENDS the WORLD that has kept the masses DOWN PRESSED for so long! We shall Rise! | Greetings, Tribes of Humanity in partnership with Goddess HerStory at the Lakshmi Holistic Arts Center @ Castle Braid will be creating, manifesting & inviting you to a Tribes Epic Event! Yoga, live music, People's Jam session, Tribal Trade Post /Market, Song/Toning, Dance featuring DJ Sabine Blazin and more! Come comfortable casual, with an open Heart & mind; bring musical instruments, noise makers, an image of an Ancestor or a historic figure you admire; children & Elders are welcome. | |
GRAND GATHERING OF THE TRIBES A Fundraiser for the People's Sanctuary May 21, 2011 2:00pm-6:00am The Peoples Sanctary - The Vision The Sanctuary is a water hole, an oasis of the mind, body & Soul. A space & place where Conscious... |
alldayallnight, alliances, ancestral, art, beauty, beingness, children, collective, comingforth, commune, concert, consciousness, dancing, elders, family, fellowship, fortification, games, gathering, harmony, healing, higherlove, historic, holistic, humanity, joy, life, lightworkers, living, love, marketplace, masterminds, meditation, music, nations, oasis, oneness, party, peace, perfection, rejuvenation, rooftop, sanctuary, spirituality, spiritualwarriors, toning, traquility, tribaltrade, truth, unity, vibrations, videos, vision, workshops, yoga
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HAPPY MOTHER's DAY with Imani SINGING Tribute!
 | Imani SINGING Tribute- "WInd Beneath My Wings" |
The following written in Dedication for You by Imani Scott To ALL Mothers! To the Mothers of Civilization! Goddesses of the Universe! Wombs of Life!
To ALL the Ancestral Mothers & Their Spiritual Angelic Presence! To ALL the Grand, Great Grand & Greatest of Grand Mothers! To ALL the Foster Mothers! Adopted Mothers!
To All the women who are or have been surrogate Mothers to Abused Childen, Orphans, even to us as Adults & Others in our Community & beyond! To the Men who stepped to the plate to be a Mother & Father, Father MOM's to a child or children who, for whatever reason(s) does not or did not have their birth Mother present! To the Women who don't have any Children of their own, but who have been or continue to be an inspiration to another one's life in their growth, development Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally &/or Finacially! To the Mothers who feel under appreciated, overworked, burnt out, forgotten, mis-treated &/or striving through an illness, financial hardship, or any of life's unexpected challenges that pushes us to grow beyond the circumstance, to go deeper... |
celebrartion, child, chilrens, grandmother, grandparent, honor, love, mom, moms, mothers, parents, remembrance, tribute
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3.24- Economic Empowerment & Travel Event @ Black Gold!
You are invited to attend a Special Event! RSVP not Required but is Appreciated! YOU are invited to RISE & "SPRING" into beautiful NEW POSSIBILITIES!... as you TRAVEL & SOCIALIZE!!! Attending TONIGHT is BEST... to access some promotional Advantages! But IF too short of Notice for you to come, we'll do it again next Thurs! Location TBA this weekend! R.S.V.P is Appreciated. (*For more options to explore Online as well, please contact us for details)
_________________________________________________________________________ Special Leisure & Economic Empowering Evening- March 24, 2011- starts 7:00pm! 
beautiful, business, career, economics, empowermemt, event, info, insider, internetwealth, leisure, love, network, news, presentation, prosperity, social, spring, timeless, travel
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Happy New Year! Celebrate "IMANI" Kwanzaa POWER principle of FAITH! 1/1/11
| |  HAPPY NEW YEAR & Here's to the NEW YOU! Best Wishes for 2011, this NEW DECADE & Beyond!!!
| |
Habari Gani?! (What is the News?!) 1/1/11 TODAY is "IMANI" (FAITH) DAY DAY of Harvest "New Fruit", Abundance & Wealth!
COME & JOIN us today for the Grand Royal Finale of KWANZAA Celebrations 5:00pm-9:00pm at the The Uptown Juice Bar Vegetarian Restaurant 54 W. 125th St. NY, NY which will be moving to a NEW Location very soon, has been feeding the Harlem Village, national & global visitors for almost 2 Decades! Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. will highlight events, showcases, etc, we've been honored to host at this special venue over the past decade, and Special Memorial to our Ancestors.
As today 1/1/2011 ushers in a BRAND NEW decade, it prepares us ALL to move to HIGHER LEVELS! If you want to energize, empower your Re-solutions, Visions for you &/or your Family, this is the place to be! As Dr. Leonard Jeffries declared, over these past few weeks, the Spiritual path & priesthood has been set for the New AfriKan Renaissance for us in Senegal, W. Afrika with Spiritual Leaders, Scholars, Heads of States, Wyclef Jean, etc., over these past few weeks, is symbolic of our rejoining with our Ancient Greatness here in the WEST, from death... |
abundance, artists, celebration, children, commuinty, dinner, drummers, faith, family, food, friends, fruits, gifts, griots, harvest, juice, kwanzaa, love, marketplace, newyear, openmic, singers, support, vegetarian, visions, wealth
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2/14/08 Come Celebrate BLACK LOVE!!!
| Songbird Imani & Friends invited you to: |
| | February 14, 2008 at 7:00pm- 9:00pm The Uptown Juice Bar |
| Come engage in the vibes of Celebrating BLACK LOVE, Celebrate LOVE your CREATOR, LOVE of YOURSELF, LOVE of your RELATIONSHIPS, LOVE of our CULTURE... LOVE of ALL that's GOOD in YOUR LIFE! While you DINE by CANDLELIGHT... DELIGHT in a sultry LOVE Serenade by songbird- IMANI SCOTT & Succulent POETRY from SPOKEN WORD artists! ************FREE GIVE-A-WAYS***************** -COME WIN a FREE CRUISE for TWO to the BAHAMAS! & MORE! -First 10 guests will recieve a FREE "LOVE GEMSTONE" -Rose Quartz fr. AFRICA! -IMANi'S CREATIONS line of Products & perfect Gifts will be on SALE! -SAVE10% off ANY Gemstone Jewelry with HEARTS &/or GEMSTONES for LOVE !
* Complimentary Sparkling Cider will be served |
blackhistorymonth, cruises, dining, fun, gemstones, jewelry, lastminutegifts, liveentertainment, love, music, poetry, prizes, romance, singing, valentines day
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The VACATIONS you've been WAINTG for...

The Holiday's are over and now is the time for the vacation you've been waiting for. So grab your favorite beach chair and join us at N.A.M.A as we show you how to plan the perfect lOW or NO COST Voyage/Vacations, while receiving the Rolls Royce treatments for your family, friends and of course yourself!
Thursday night will be full of information to make 2008 the most prosperous year of your life. Please plan to join us and be sure to bring some friends!!!
Host: | Imani's Creations/ Traverus Travels | Location: | New Amsterdam Musical Assoc. (N.A.M.A) 107 W 130th Street, Harlem, NY 10027 US
| When: | Thursday, January 24, 7:00PM | Phone: | 646-201-9644 |
adventure, amusement, beach, beaches, business, cruises, entrepreneur, freedom, fun, homebased business, joy, love, luxury, relaxation, travel, travel agents, trips, vacations, wealth
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