Imani invite- 4/23/16 Queen Afua Keynote Speaker
On Sat 4/23 Queen Afua is the Keynote Speaker at the Mind, Body & Soul Conference & Selected Healing Gemstones, Jewelry & Accessories from Imani's Creations & Entertainment will also be available during this WARM event!

demos, event, holistic, information, natural living, presentations, transformation, wellness crystals
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11/7 -Bronx Holistic Healing Event
On Sat, Nov 7 during this event, Imani's Creations & Entertainment will give a mini- presentation on: Gifts from the Earth: Crystal Basics, and we'll also have a product display of Crystals, Gemstone & Jewelry plus a variety of Holistic Healing Products for your Wellness & Shopping pleasure!
For more information, please email

demos, event, holistic, information, natural living, presentations, transformation, wellness crystals
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Tues 8/4- Nat'l Night OUT at Restoration PLAZA, BKLYN!
Tuesday 8/4- Come Out and Shop with Us for National Night Out at Restoration Plaza from 2:00pm to 9:00pm Buy Black in Bed-Stuy! Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. & DJ's Card Creator! Specializing in Couture Greetings Card Creations, Cultural Collectibles for Occasions, President Obama Products, Voter's Registration & Info. Imani's Creations will Showcase Original Designs from Head to Toe! TREAT THYSELF! Crystals, Gemstone Jewelry, Pyramids, Unique Gifts, Music & MORE! & Dawn L. Jones, Exhibitor/Vendor, (917)-557-0109

79th precinth, brooklyn, cards, cds, community, crafts, crystals, dr. kim best, entertainment, fashion, festival, foodnational night out agaist crime, garments, greeting cards, holistic, jewelry, music, townsley, vendors
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Sat 7/18/15- IC @ HARLEM BOOK FAIR!
Sat, JULY 18 Look for Imani Creation's & Entertainment, Inc. and DJ's Card Creator at the HARLEM BOOK FAIR!
Specializing in Couture Greeting Card Creations and Cultural Collectibles for all Occasions. A Voter's Registration table will be on display. TREAT THYSELF! To Gemstone Jewelry, Crystals, Pyramids, Unique Gifts, Music & MORE! Showcasing Original Designs from Head to Toe!

awards, barnes noble, books, cards, cds, community, crafts, crystals, entertainment, fair, fashion, festival, food, garments, greeting cards, harlem, harlem book fair, holistic, jewelry, phillis wheatley, qbr, vendors, whcr
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7/2-5- IAAFestival! SAVE the DATE!
Come VISIT our booth as we CELEBRATE the Int'l African Arts Festival's 44th Year!
More Festival Info & Schedule visit:

african, cards, cds, crystals, cultural, culture, dancing, entertainment, fashion, fashion show, festival, food, garments, greeting cards, harlem, healing shows, holistic, iaaf, jewelry, singing, vendors
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IC invite to Queen Afua's SPRING Equinox Teleconference
REGISTER NOW & mark your CALENDARS! During this 2 day POWERFUL 12 hour FREE Telethon with over 50 Holistic Health Practitioners, Musicians & Healers! Be sure to call in on Fri, 3/20/15 at 10:15pm -as Imani will be a Guest speaker on the call sharing some great tips for some SPRING-time uses of Crystals/Gemstones & High Vibration Healing Jewels & Tools to enhance Personal & Planetary Transformation, Healing, Growth & Prosperity!
March 20, 2015 opens up a POWERFUL PORTAL with a Celestial Triad of the SPRING Equinox, a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE & SUPERMOON in Pisces! A time to pause with reverence and tune in to the greater cosmic cycles that we are a part of. Imani will share how crystals, Gemstone Jewelry & High vibration tools may assist in empowering us during this auspicious time!
Teleconference starts at 6:00pm Est-Fri, 3/20/15
Imani Scott will speak at 10:15pm - presenting some GREAT Spingtime Applications of Crystals & High Vibration Healing Jewels & Tools to enhance personal & Planetary Transformation, Healing, Growth & Prosperity!

call, global fast, healing, holistic, music, practitioners, presentations, queen afua, spring equinox, teleconference, vegan
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Sat,4/19 @AHH Workshop-Imani's presents CRYSTAL HEALING!
The Earth has so many JEWELS to sustain our Health & Well-being and on 4/19 I'm excited about being at this event & presenting HEALING with Crystals & Gemstones from the EARTH! Also be enlightened on Raw Food Preparation, Kemetic Yoga, Benefits of Breast Feeding, Massage, Reflexology & Mor eby other Holistic Prctitioners of the African Holistic Chapter of New York during this 2 Day Wellness Workshop weekend in Queens, NY! Hope you'll join us! REGISTER EARLY, space is Limited! For MORE EVENT DETAILS & TICKETS : or Call 347-427-8668 or Email:
african holistic health, cds, crystals, dvds, event, gemstones, healing, health, holistic, jewelry, transformation, wellness, workshop
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Sat-4/26 Imani vends@ The BLISS of NOW- w. SUSAN TAYLOR!
Sat, 4/26/14 Join us for the CCCADI "TRANSFORMING the TEMPLE- The BLISS of NOW" event! KEY NOTE Speaker is: Susan Taylor. Imani's Creations & Entetainment is one of the African Holistic Chapter of New York members that will display many Tools & Jewels for Wellness, Beauty Transformation & Pro$perity! Featuring SPECIALS on "Gemstones for SPRING" will be available in Tumbled, Crystalized & Cluster formations, Jewelry, Amulets & Accessorie & MORE! Re-Awaken & Empower THY Divine Self! More Event Info: CLICK HERE or 
bliss, cccadi, cds, crystals, dvds, event, gemstones, healing, health, holistic, jewelry, susan taylor, transformation, wellness
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3/29 & 3/30 Imani's invite to this Weekend Events!
Join us as Imani does a mini CRYSTAL HEALING Presentation & VENDS at S.I.S.T.A.H.S Sat, Mar 29, 2014 3:00pm -7:00pm $10- (Workshops & Refreshments) /$15- (per Health Therapy) at Onipa Abusia, Inc 171-32 Liberty Ave Jamaica, Queens NY More Info: 347-454-9026 ______________________________________ Visit Imani's Creations & Entertainment Vendor table at: FACES 3 by Sistahs Black Like Me! LAST NY Performance for this year 2014! 3.30.14 4pm at MISTHarlem 46 W. 116th St
More Info & TIXs or _______________________ Sun, 3.30.14 COME See, Hear & Enjoy Imani & others Sing & Portray various LADY LEGENDS at NAMA's Ladies of JAZZ, Rhythm & Blues Event! starts at 5:00pm $10- donation (Tax-Deductible) SEE Imani's Creations, Imani's Presentation & Performance SCHEDULE for MARCH 2014 & other events CLICK HERE! |
| FREE GIFT! *with PURCHASES from Imani's Creations When SPEND $20- or MORE on...
- Imani's Crystals & GEMSTONES &/or
- II.C Gemstone Jewelry for
aries, crystals, entertainment, events, faces, harlen, health, holistic, jewelry, march, new york, performances, pisces, pyshic fair, singing, specials, spring, womens history month
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Imani's invites U to 4 Fantastic MARCH into SPRING Events!
| Imani's Creations VENDING SCHEDULE... 3:30pm- 6:0pm Gale Armstead's PSYCHIC FAIR at: Melba's 125 in Harlem State Office Bldg. Info: 212-410-9755 ________________________ 3pm-7pm 171-32 Liberty Ave in Queens, NY Info: 347-454-9026 ___________________ Sun, Mar 30 4:00pm- 6:30pm Sistahs Black Like Me presents FACES III- MISTHarlem @116th ST last one for this year in NYC! Info & TIX: More links below! ____________________
Imani SINGS at Sun, March 30 5:00pm Ladies of JAZZ, Rhythm & Blues! performances by Ladies of NAMA! New Amsterdam musical Assoc.(NAMA) at 107 w 130th ST Harlem, NY Info: 212-510-8140 For MORE DETAILS: |
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| Celebrating SPRING & WOMEN's HER-STORY MONTH! Imani's MARCH VENDING & PERFORMANCE Schedule Continues! Come join us & visit our Imani's Creations & Entertainment booth and select thru a Beautiful Array of Crystals, Gems & Jewelry during ...
aries, crystals, entertainment, events, faces, harlen, health, holistic, jewelry, march, new york, performances, pisces, pyshic fair, singing, specials, spring, womens history month
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Imani's invite to GALE ARMSTEAD's 3/23 Psychic Fair!
Sun, March 23, from 3:30pm-6:30pm Come join us & visit our Imani's Creations & Entertainment booth for Beautiful Crystals, Gems & Jewelry during Gale Armstead's Spring PSYCHIC FAIR at Melba's 125 Restaurant in the Harlem State Office Bldg. 163 W. 125th St * 3rd Fl. (photo Id needed to enter Bldg) Donation; $10-, Readings $20- More info call 212-410-6755 Come select from an ARRAY of GEMS & CRYSTALS from Imani's Creations at this SPRING PSYCHIC FAIR!
astrology, crystals, harlem, herbal products, holistic, jewelry, numerolgy, psychic fair, readings, spiritual, welness, wisdom
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1/11/14-Imani's CAPRICORN Tribute & B'day Party!
in collaboration with Nature Has ALL the ANSWERS & Brown Eyez Publishing Group... | |
you are invited to... Imani's B'earth day PARTY & Annual CAPRICORN Tribute 2014! Features a SPECIAL... "HERBAL WORKSHOP!" Come TUNE UP YOUR LIFE & Celebrate a NEW YOU this NEW YEAR!
Saturday, Jan 11, 2013! 7:00pm- UNTIL -4:00AM
BUY Advance Tickets NOW & SAVE! Plus Chance for Special Gifts!
N.A.M.A (New Amsterdam Musical Assoc.-Celebrates 109th B'day ) 107 W.130th St (Garden Level) (between Malcolm X & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd) (TRAINS: #2/3 to 125th or 135th St or Buses: M7 or M102) BUY TICKETS NOW & SAVE! Plus a CHANCE for SPECIAL GIFTS! Advance Tickets available CLICK BUYNOW BUTTON! (Paypal account NOT required instead use Major Credit/Debit Card Option) ADVANCE Tickets Available until Fri, Jan 10th TICKETS
ALL ACCESS PASS ENTRY@ 7pm: $15- Adv / $20 @ Door! includes Holistic HERBAL Workshop, CAP Tribute & B'day PARTY!  _________________________________________________ PARTY PASS ONLY
$10-adv/$15@ DOOR- (Entry @9pm-Cap Tribute & B'day Party ACCESS ONLY!)  Advance Tickets available CLICK BUYNOW BUTTON! (Paypal... |
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bday, capricorns, celebration, dancing, demos, dj, dj supreme power, gifts, groove, health, herbal, holistic, open mic, party, vendors, workshop
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Sat, Dec 7- I.C Anniv. Celebration invite!
UJAMAA EMPOWERMENT NETWORK presents...Imani's Creations ANNIVERSARY Celebration! "HEALING with GOOD Vibes!"- Sat, Dec 7, 2013! 6pm-9pm Adm:$10- Location: Trowel & Square Ballroom 26 East 125th St (5th & Madison) Event will feature an exhibit of the evolution of Imani's Creations creative journey over the last 20years as an entreprenuer & give tribute to the works of Lloyd Strayhorn (Master Astro-Numerologist, Author, Radio personality), Lester Loving (Master Pyramidologist) & others! Come enjoy Special Guest Presentations, Crystal Healing Sessions, African Drums, Entertainment, Afrikan HOLISTIC Healing- Massage- Pampering & DANCE! Shop for HOLIDAY GIFTS, WIN PRIZES & MORE! COME and ELEVATE the POWER WITHIN! VENDORS, DRUMMERS, POETS are WELCOMED! For More Info & Tickets: Call Latik 347-697-0441 or Imani 646-201-9644 ADVANCE TICKET LOCATIONS: NICHOLAS VARIETY STORE 5 East 125 St ( (5th & MADISON...
african dance, african drums, anniversary, bro. latik, cds, celebration, consultations, crystals, december, demos, fun, gemstones, gifts, good vibes, greeting cards, harlem, healing, holidays, holistic, imanis creations, jewelry, lester loving, lloyd strayhorn, massage, numbers you, poetry, powerful, presentations, prizes, pyramids, reflexology, refreshments, shopping, singing, spoken word, ujamaa, vendors
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3.3.13- Dr. Afrika Lecture & 1 on 1 Consultations in NYC!
KIng Simon Productions, SLOW e TRY & Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc.invites you to... Come Join us for a 1 to 1 with the MASTERS- Health Symposium! Featuring an AWESOME Exclusive Intimate Lecture with Dr. Llaila Afrika (Author of: "Afrikan Holistic Health", "Nutricide", etc) and his wife Dr. Melanie together on Sun, March 3, 4:00PM - 8:00PM at NAMA 107 W.130th St (betw'n Malcolm X & ACP Blvd)- Love Gift Adm: Now ONLY $20-!!! (for LECTURE ONLY). Get 1-on-1 Private Health Consultations with Dr. Afrika & Dr. Melanie for ONLY a $60- Love gift betw'n Noon - 3:30PM (pay only $75- in adv. to get lecture & light snack included!). A few select onsite vendors will include: Dr. Afrika, King Simon & Imani's Creations Products & Services that'll be available for purchase to support your Holistic Well-Beingness!!! Seating is Limited, ensure entry with advance tickets! Want to attend, but can't get to tix locations prior event?! Contact me ASAP via. FB or 646-201-9644 for other payment options. 1st COME, 1st SERVED!!! We look forward to seeing you! Please Share!
To Learn About Dr. Afrika's Healing WORK & Holistic Certification Course! Visit: To Learn about the Holistic...
answers, books, cds, certifications, consultations, crystals, dr.afrika, harlem, healing, health, holistic, jewelry, lecture, master heale, naturopaths, nutricide, products, solutions, symposium
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Imani will be SINGING & SHOWCASING at this AWESOME EVENT! as we are being EMPOWERED & ALIGNED in our HIGHEST GOOD, rising in the HEIGHTS of CONSCIOUSNESS... for the DAWNING of OURTIME in this NEW AGE has COME as we UNITE as ONE with LIKE MINDS & HEARTS! Meanwhile some are preparing for DOOM & GLOOM, cause when we come together, work together, heal together in Truth ... it ENDS the WORLD that has kept the masses DOWN PRESSED for so long! We shall Rise! | Greetings, Tribes of Humanity in partnership with Goddess HerStory at the Lakshmi Holistic Arts Center @ Castle Braid will be creating, manifesting & inviting you to a Tribes Epic Event! Yoga, live music, People's Jam session, Tribal Trade Post /Market, Song/Toning, Dance featuring DJ Sabine Blazin and more! Come comfortable casual, with an open Heart & mind; bring musical instruments, noise makers, an image of an Ancestor or a historic figure you admire; children & Elders are welcome. | |
GRAND GATHERING OF THE TRIBES A Fundraiser for the People's Sanctuary May 21, 2011 2:00pm-6:00am The Peoples Sanctary - The Vision The Sanctuary is a water hole, an oasis of the mind, body & Soul. A space & place where Conscious... |
alldayallnight, alliances, ancestral, art, beauty, beingness, children, collective, comingforth, commune, concert, consciousness, dancing, elders, family, fellowship, fortification, games, gathering, harmony, healing, higherlove, historic, holistic, humanity, joy, life, lightworkers, living, love, marketplace, masterminds, meditation, music, nations, oasis, oneness, party, peace, perfection, rejuvenation, rooftop, sanctuary, spirituality, spiritualwarriors, toning, traquility, tribaltrade, truth, unity, vibrations, videos, vision, workshops, yoga
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5/1- Queen Afua, Lloyd Stayhorn, Bro. Polight- ALL presenting at NBT Harlem NY!
| | Please attend this Special Event &/or FORWARD to a Friend... 1st of it's KIND in HARLEM, NY!!!
Sun, May 1, 2011 Queen Afua and Lloyd Strayhorn, & Nysut: Amen-Re Sen Atum-Re 41st Book Release Celebration! at the National Black Theater 2033 5th Ave (125 &126 Sts) Harlem, NY Doors open at 2:00pm Imani's Creation's & Entertainment's- High Vibrational Products (Divine Crystals, Charged Gemstone Jewelry/accessories, Health Products & Empowerment Services will be available for access & purchase at this event! Tickets/Vending contact King Simon 347-496-1022 posted by Imani Scott Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. 646-201-9644/ 800-805-4614 |
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2012, angels, books, chanting, crystals, enlightment, enrichment, event, guardians, healing, health, heaven, heavenly, holistic, insightful, lectures, meditation, numerology, powerful, prayer, presentation, tools, truth, vagina, vendors, wellbeing, wellness, womb
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11/2/10-QUEEN AFUA speaks at Special BROWN EYEZ Publishing Group Event!
Brown Eyez Publishing Group is Hosting a Special Event tonight withSpecial Guest Speaker Queen Afua, Holistic Healer, Yoga Master and Author of the world known best selling books "Heal Thyself", "Sacred Woman", "City of Wellness" & her NEWEST release "Overcoming an Angry Vagina".
Come on out & support this event &/or FORWARD/POST and SPREAD the word. SEE SPECIAL GIFT OFFER BELOW!
*** Guest speaker Queen Afua, author of Heal Thyself**** Be there as Queen Afua speaks candidly on her years of business in the health industry and publishing 4 successful and world-renowned books. The author of " Sacred Women" and "City of Wellness," Queen Afua will share her experiences of being a respected name in the field and traveling the world. A powerhouse of knowledge and a far-reaching resource! www.queenafua.comEvery 1st & 3rd Tuesday of month starting Nov 2nd Nov 2nd: Getting the most out of health. "How to be successful in the health business" FOR THE HEALTH INDUSTRY. The Soul of Business Networking Event returns at a new location. At... |
after party, browneyez magazine, business, dancing, fun, health, holistic, industry, networking, party, presentations, products, queen afua, samples, wellness
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