IC vends @ Women's HER-Story Month Events!
Mention THIS POST when you VISIT Imani's Creations vendor Table at these MARCH events & GET A FREE GIFT! (with a $20- Purchase) (not combinable with other offers & promotion can end at anytime without prior notice) I AM WOMBMAN! a HER-Story Celebration of HEALTH! Sun, March 14, 2015 Doors open 5:00pm & Event starts 6:00pm Admission: 14.99 before 6:00pm, $20 after ______________________________________________________________________ Annual Women's Her-Story Month Celebration! FEATURES: Author SHAHARAZAD ALI from The HIDDEN COLORS DOCUMENTARY Sun, March 15, 2015 Advance Tickets/Love Offering before 2pm $30- & $40- after Doors open 2:00pm
abt ahkiya, harlem, her-story, imani scott, imanis creations, kheru meri, king simon, march, national black theatre, queen afua, shaharazad ali, vending, womens history month
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IC - 3 DAY PURPLE & PINK SALE! 10/30, & 11/1-2, 014
As AWARENESS INCEREASES... LET the HEALING CONTINUE! I C PURPLE & PINK SALE OFFER! DETAILS: You'll get a Special AMETHYST , ROSE or CLEAR QUARTZ Crystal GIFT with Purchases over $5- (while Supplies Lasts) ___________________ GET 10-50% DISCOUNTS on PURPLE &/or PINK Gemstone Jewelry, Crystals, Pyramids by Imani's Creations for THREE days! (Thurs 10/30, Sat 11/1 & Sun 11/2) __ SALE includes: (PURPLE Gemstones) like AMETHYST, Lepidolite, Fluorite, Purple Agate & MORE! The color PURPLE vibrations may help deepen our connection with our Creator, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides Aids & Can bring tranquility as it Amplifies Spiritual Awareness, Attunement, Meditation & Prayer & More! (PINK Gems ) like Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Pink Calcite & MORE! The color PINK is associated with Calmness, Nurturing, forgiveness, which may assist with stress reduction and healing of the Heart, the balancing of emotions & MORE! Please Note: We reserve the right to modify &/or end this promotion without prior notice & cannot combined with other offers.
breast cancer awareness, domestic violence prevention, hands on healing, harlem hospital, healing, imanis creations, sale, warm
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IC at 3 EVENTS on FATHER'S Day- Dr. Valentine, Harlem Lot & Gospel Concert!
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the Men who are committed to raising their children &/or that are a source of support to others! Every day is FATHER's DAY! Imani will be at THREE EVENTS on 6/15/2014! - Jewelry, Gifts & Dresses from Imani's Creations! will be features at 12pm- 7pm at the HARLEM LOT Flea Market- (131st St & Malcolm X Blvd, Harlem, NY) Ask for Isis - - Jewelry, Gemstones/Crystal, Books, Cards, Gifts Items from DJ Cards & Imani's Creations! will be featured at 2pm-9pm at National Black Theatre (2033 5th Ave @125th St, Harlem) Event with Rev. Dr. Phil Valentine & wife Nalani- also Imani will SING at "An Ecumenical Gospel Concert 5pm-8pm- at the Our Lady of Good Counsel R.C.Church- 915 Putnam Ave, Brooklyn NY Imani's Cd's will be available for purchase!
cds, crystals, fathers day, gifts, imanis creations, jewelry, music, singing
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Imani VENDS at HIP HOP Education Week @ Essex College!
PLEASE NOTE: ALTHOUGH WE HAD A GREAT TIME AT THE HIP HOP Education Week Wed, 4/9/14, Imani's Creations will not VEND on Thurs 4/10 -Sat 4/12 due to transportation conflict. Join us Wed, 4/9 & Thurs 4/10 9:00AM-5:00pm (and possibly Fri 4/11) Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc will be VENDING & featuring SPECIALS on SPRING & April Birthday Gemstones & CRYSTALS, Handmade Jewelry, Accessories & other UNIQUE Gift Items! during HIP-HOP Education Week FREE Events hosted by The Africana Institute at Essex County College!
africana institue, crystal, entertainment, essex county college, hip hop education week, imanis creations, jewelry, urban issues institute, vending
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Sun, 4/6/14 Imani's invite to Roc-A-Natural- Expo!
Come JOIN US Sun, 4/6/14 for the Roc-A-Natural HAIR, HEALTH & BEAUTY- "TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE" EXPO 10AM-8PM at the Schomburg Ctr, Harlem, NY. Imani's Creations & Entertainment's JEWELRY & ACCESSORY line will be a featured Designer with the "Unveiled & Unlocked" Collective founded by Alethea Brown who will be a Guest Speaker hosting a Panel Talk "BEAUTY is DEEPER than SKIN!" Workshop 3:00pm-4:00pm! panelist include Carla S. Brown, Charnae Betton, Gene Alexander Peters, Deborah Gray, and Kofi Afful. Also the NATURAL HAIR FASHION SHOW 6PM- 7PM will feature Imani's Creations Jewelry adorning the Bare Head Beauties- Unveiled & Unlocked!!! For More Info & Tix Visit: http://www.rocanatural.com/ with Carla Brown and Aleathia Brown.
accessories, beauty, expo, imanis creations, jewelry, loc jewelry, locs, natural hair, panel talk, roc-a-natural, schomburg, unveiled unlocked
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IC PRESS RELEASE- 12/7 Anniversary Event!
PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ____________________________________________________________________________________ WHO: UJAMAA EMPOWERMENT NETWORK (& Imani’s Creations & Entertainment, Inc) presents... Event: Imani's Creations ANNIVERSARY Celebration! "HEALING with GOOD Vibes EXPO!"- Event Date: Sat, Dec 7, 2013! Time: 6pm-9pm Admission: $10- Location: Trowel & Square Ballroom 26 East 125th St (5th & Madison) Activity: EXHIBITS, Presentations, Performances, Afrikan Holistic-Massage-Pampering, Healing DANCE & MORE!- This Anniversary event will feature a milestone exhibit of the evolution of Imani's Creations marked by Imani Scott’s creative journey with 20years of entrepreneurship showcasing Visual/Healing Arts & Entertainment in Harlem, NY and the World! Attributed to Imani’s beginnings are the works of Lloyd Strayhorn (Master Astro-Numerologist, Radio personality, Renown Author of "Numbers & You") who will do Consultations and Book Signings, as well as Lester Loving...
african fusion dance, anniversary, crystal healing, exhibits, expo, imanis creations, massage, performers, presenters, press release
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Sat, Dec 7- I.C Anniv. Celebration invite!
UJAMAA EMPOWERMENT NETWORK presents...Imani's Creations ANNIVERSARY Celebration! "HEALING with GOOD Vibes!"- Sat, Dec 7, 2013! 6pm-9pm Adm:$10- Location: Trowel & Square Ballroom 26 East 125th St (5th & Madison) Event will feature an exhibit of the evolution of Imani's Creations creative journey over the last 20years as an entreprenuer & give tribute to the works of Lloyd Strayhorn (Master Astro-Numerologist, Author, Radio personality), Lester Loving (Master Pyramidologist) & others! Come enjoy Special Guest Presentations, Crystal Healing Sessions, African Drums, Entertainment, Afrikan HOLISTIC Healing- Massage- Pampering & DANCE! Shop for HOLIDAY GIFTS, WIN PRIZES & MORE! COME and ELEVATE the POWER WITHIN! VENDORS, DRUMMERS, POETS are WELCOMED! For More Info & Tickets: Call Latik 347-697-0441 or Imani 646-201-9644 ADVANCE TICKET LOCATIONS: NICHOLAS VARIETY STORE 5 East 125 St ( (5th & MADISON...
african dance, african drums, anniversary, bro. latik, cds, celebration, consultations, crystals, december, demos, fun, gemstones, gifts, good vibes, greeting cards, harlem, healing, holidays, holistic, imanis creations, jewelry, lester loving, lloyd strayhorn, massage, numbers you, poetry, powerful, presentations, prizes, pyramids, reflexology, refreshments, shopping, singing, spoken word, ujamaa, vendors
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10/24-at W.A.R.M Event w/ Terrie Williams, I.C SALE & Sponsors FREE Tix & Gifts!
Thurs, Oct 24, Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc will SPONSOR GIFTS to panelist & Event Moderator Terrie M. Williams & raffle FREE TICKETS to attendees for upcoming Sat, 10/26 Crystal Healing Event, we'll also Exhibit at W.A.R.M's 4th Annual Panel Discussion: "Building Sustainable Bridges" at Harlem Hospital Center 5:30 PM-7:30 PM (2nd Fl Auditorium ), Adm: FREE Terrie M. Williams is a renowned Mental Health Advocate & author of "Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We're Not Hurting". (**Reception Following**) For More Info about this W.A.R.M Event call Stephanie 646-488-0338. Come out to the Harlem Hospital and get the information so you can enlighten yourself and your community! You may even get a FREE Healing Gemstone/Crystal Gift or some other Surprise TREATS while you're there! Since October is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION (PURPLE) & BREAST CANCER AWARENESS (PINK) Imani's Creations will contribute to the healing of Black Womem, Men & Children in our community by offering a PURPLE & PINK SALE & give-a-ways starting TODAY 10/24 at W.A.RM.Event at Harlem Hospital, MARILYN's Boutique 10/25 & 10/26 & Sat, 10/26 ay our CRYSTAL HEALING Workshop & Exhibit! Get DISCOUNTS on PURPLE or PINK Gemstone Jewelry, Crystals, Pyramids by Imani's at...
community event, crystals, free tickets, gemstones, gifts, healing, imanis creations, jewelry, sponsor, terrie williams, w.a.r.m
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9/29- ATLANTIC ANTIC Festival - See our PROMO!
at the 39th Annual "ATLANTIC ANTIC 2013" Sun, Sept 29 2013 12NOON to 6:00PM FREE Admission for ALL! Locate Imani's Creations BOOTH #HN42 : near 443 ATLANTIC AVE (Bond & Nevins) Opposite: KOTA "Vegan" CAFE Area We LOOK FORWARD to SEEING YOU! More Event Information visit: http://imaniscreations.com/cgi-bin/blog Http://AtlanticAVE.org
I.C SPECIAL PROMOTION!!! Visit the Imani's Creations BOOTH at any of these events for.. Imani's END of SUMMER" FREE VACATION & FREE "Health" or "JOY" GEMSTONE GIFT PROMOTION OFFERS! *while Supplies Last! Mention this post &/or EMAIL and GET FREE Gemstone gift with your $20-purchase or MORE of Imani's Creations products plus SURPRISE GIFTS & a chance to WIN a FREE 3 DAY/2Night HOTEL Stay for TWO! Compliments of our TRAVEL SPONSOR- Travel Fountain! For TRAVEL Services info: _________________________________ Come select from our beautiful collection of Handmade...
atlantic antic, brooklyn, clothing, crystals, dresses, entertainment, festival, fun, gifts, imanis creations, jewelry, music, new york, vending
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NEW JEWELRY fr.. Imani at MARILYN'S NY 1st & 3rd Fridays!
| | COME join us EVERY 1st & 3rd FRIDAY!
FREE Champagne & Light Refreshments as you BROWSE! WIN PRIZES, GIFTS & More! Our next Dates- Fri April 20 & May 4 & 18, 2012. Location MARILYN'S NY at 541 Malcolm X Blvd (betw'n 137 & 138th St). Featuring Clothing for Women, Men & Children from MARILYN'S plus Travel Services, and the NEWEST Jewelry/Accessories Line and Gemstones from Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. Regular Store Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-7pm. Champagne Fridays segment hosted during a 5:00PM - 9:00PM extension! Here's your chance to SEE & GET NEW Products! Come Let us DRESS & ADORN YOU! Plus hear more about our exciting Travel services, as we drop JEWELS on how to SAVE Money and even EARN Money on your HOLIDAY Travels. Turn your Va-cation into a PAY- Cation this Spring, Summer, Fall &/or Winter at your One Stop SHOP!!! Have an Awesome Day! One Love, Imani @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Come join us in the FUN! Come Join us during MARILYN'S NY "Champagne Fridays" ... |
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accessories, bracelets, children, clothing, crystals, cultural, discounts, dresses, earrings, free champagne, geifts, gems, gemstones, hairornaments, harlem, imanis creations, jewelry, men, mothers day, necklaces, new york. prizes, pay-cation, promotional, refreshments, rings, sales. specials, toerings, travel services, vacation, women
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