3/26 Imani portrays Minnie Ripperton @ NAMA's LADY LEGENDS event!
On Sunday, March 26, Come join us the Ladies of NAMA honor, celebrate & portray various LADY LEGENDS!!!! Among the fabulous line up, Imani Scott will sing & portray the Late Great Song Bird ...MINNIE RIPPERTON!!! Imani's CReations will also have a mini- product display alongside the Nama Harlem Store! Come ENJOY Live Music at it's BEST!! More info & tickets also available at

cds, displays, entertainment, events, her story, imani, jewelry, live band, march 2017, minnie rpperton, music, performance, presentation, programs, refreshments, singing, sistahs, vendor, womens history montth
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5/14- Bronx Holistic & Natural Healing Event!
At the Bronx Holistic Healing event- Sat, May 14, There's be lots of CRYSTALS & GEM GOODIES waiting for you at the Imani's Creations & Ent booth! Delight in Table top accessories, Spiritual Tools & Head to Toe Jewelry & Adornments! More event infohttps://www.facebook.com/events/1717547755133821/

crystals, entertainment, healers, health, lectures, massage, presentation, refreshments, spa, vendors, wellness, workshops
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Harlem MOTHER'S DAY PARADE-32nd Annual!
Sat, MAY 7, 2016 The 32nd Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade

You are cordially invited to come to a Pre-Mothers'Day celebration as the Mothers & all women from around the World will experience a dose of Mother's Day love, appreciation, honor, reverence, celebration of motherhood and maternal bonds, starting with the 32ndt Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade, led by Candace Queen Mother Abbess-Bishop Shirley Pitts- Founder of the "Essie Davis Annual Memorial Scholarship Fund, Committee, Inc". (EDAMSF)
The Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade, a multi-racial, and ethnic event recognized for its unique recognition of the Mothers of Harlem, and especially for its mission to deliver financial and spiritual support to incarcerated and formerly imprisoned youth, and the granting of monetary scholarships to children to encourage their productivity in our community & contributions to the world. .
The 32nd Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade will START at 470 Lenox Terrace @ 133rd St. & Lenox Avenue (aka Malcolm X Boulevard), New York 10037 with a gathering of Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, youth, community residents, visitors,community organizations, elected officials, Grand Marshalls, Bands, Drummers, Press, event organizers and EDAMSF members, etc. all leading the way to celebrate MOTHER'S DAY!
PARADE ROUTE: Begins at...
accessories, community, event, family, food, gifts, greeting cards, jewelry, mothers day, parade, prizes, raffles, refreshments, specials, vendors
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Sat 11/7- Imani, The INTRUDERS & OTHER PERFORM at Alemo's Re-Union Event!
The Legendary INTRUDERS, Imani Scott & other artists
will be performing at this event!!!
Sat Nov 7, 2015 8pm-12:30am- Alemo's Re-union Celebration! FREE Admission! Donations Accepted!
— at the New Amsterdam Musical Association. NAMA 107 W.130th St

celebrations, good times, guest artists, imani, kreole alema, legendary intruders, music, nama, performers, re-union, refreshments, singing
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10/24-25-I.C- Crystal "HEALING in HARLEM" Workshop/ Bazaar BLOW OUT sale
On Oct 24 &/or 25, Come get your HEALING on and Align yourself for an AWESOME AUTUMN, WONDERFUL WINTER & PHENOMENAL NEW YEAR 2016 with HOLISTIC Jewels & TOOLS at Imani's Creations Crystal "HEALING in HARLEM" Workshop/Exhibit/Bazaar Event!
In Support of October as DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION (PURPLE) & BREAST CANCER AWARENESS (PINK) Month, Imani's Creations will contribute to the healing of Black Women, Men & Children in our community by offering FREE GIVE-a-WAYS starting Thurs Oct 10/22 5:30pm-7:30pm at W.A.RM's FREE Event at Harlem Hospital then
on Oct 24 & 25 2pm--3pm & 6- 7:30pm hosting a PURPLE & PINK BLOW-OUT SALE on Healing Gemstone Jewelry & Crystal GIFTS on Oct 24 & 25 2pm--3pm & 6- 7:30pm at Imani's Creations Annual Crystal "HEALING in HARLEM " Event at NAMA 107 W.130th Street. Crystal "Healing in Harlem" Workshop will present Basic & NEW ways to HEAL & Empower yourself with COLORS, CRYSTALS, PYRAMIDS, ESSENTIAL OILS & MORE! Admission $25 adv/$35-@ Door (per /day) also
Additional Holistic Services Offered: $10- for 10 minute Energy READINGS * $10- for Womb YOGA Sessions * $20- Crystal/Pyramid Chakra Layout Balancing Sessions!

autumn, crystals, domestic violence awareness month, energy readings, events, healing, healing in harlem, health, jewelry, october 2015, presentation, programs, pyramids, refreshments, wellness, womens health, yoga
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10/17 & 18 IC at Circle of Sisters- Tickets for IC Healing in Harlem event
Get your DISCOUNT Tickets to Crystal "HEALING in HARLEM" Event Oct 17 & 18 at CIRCLE of SISTERS! VISIT us in BOOTH #739 at Jacob Javitts Ctr
for more info & to WIN PRIZES!!!!

autumn, crystals, domestic violence awareness month, events, healing in harlem, health, music, october 2015, performance, presentation, programs, refreshments, wellness, womens health
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5/16- Imani's invite to the GRANDPARENTS BALL!!!
Sat, May 16, Grandparents Around the World BALL! 10th Annual- Grand Parents Ball!
SAVE the DATE! Imani SINGS & ICE Displays Jewels & Gems at the Andrew Freedman Mansion during Bronx WEEK! For More Ticket info & Event Details: http://gatw.org/#events
accessories, ball, celebration, community, concert, dance, event, family, food, gala, gifts, grandparents, greeting cards, honorees, jewelry, mansion, mothers day, parade, parents, prizes, raffles, refreshments, specials, vendors
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Sat 5/9- Come Celebrate MOM at NAMA!
As NAMA celebrates Moms, there will be lots of entertainment! Imani will be one of the performers at this event, Saturday May 9th 6:00pm -til- 11:00pm at The New Amsterdam Musical Association! The NAMA store will also be open with special gifts, memorabilias & other goodies!
Location: 107 W. 130th St (Malcolm X Blvd & AC Powell Blvd)
Donation: $10-

accessories, dance, gifts, jewelry, live music, mom, mothers, mothers day, nama, nama store, poetry, prizes, raffles, refreshments, specials
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Sat, May 2, 5015- Harlem Mother's Day PARADE!
Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc is Showcasing Products & Services & Imani is SINGING at this Event! Please Come out , Support, Spread the LOVE &/or Invite / Forward to others! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Elevated Candace Queen Mother Abess
Bishop Shirley Pitts & the Essie Davis Memorial Annual Scholarshp Fund, Inc. Committee
cordially invites you to the 31st annual...
Saturday, MAY 2, 2015
Parade March, Luncheon, Awards Ceremony, Entertainment & Marketplace, Vendors & MORE!!!
Parade Lead By:
Grand Arch Abbess Ernestine Williams &

10:00am- (Malcolm X/Lenox at 133rd St.) People Gathering & Press/Media-
2:00pm- until 7:00pm - Luncheon, DJ, Presentations, Performances & MORE!
(122nd St & Mt. Morris Park)- at the
More Info call:
accessories, community, event, family, food, gifts, greeting cards, jewelry, mothers day, parade, prizes, raffles, refreshments, specials, vendors
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Thurs 4/30- Shop for MOTHER'S Day GIFTS & MORE!!!
Thurs, April 30. 7pm-9pm you're invited to visit our table as DJ Card Creators along with Imani's Creations & Entertainment showcase GREAT GIFT IDEAS, PRODUCTS & TREATS for MOTHER'S DAY & OTHER SPECIAL OCCASSIONS, during the Community Democratic Club's "VENDOR NIGHT!" ALL are WELCOMED to attend this FREE EVENT!

accessories, food, gifts, greeting cards, jewelry, mothers day, prizes, raffles, refreshments, specials, vendors
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Sun 4/19 TRIBUTE for Dr. Ben- Imani SINGS again!
Imani sang a SPECIAL vocal tribute of "Wind Beneath My Wings" on 4//9/15 at Dr. Ben's wake held at Abyssinia Baptist Church, and will perform it again at this Special TRIBUTE Event in honor of our Beloved Elder Dr. Ben. Imani's Creations & Entertainment will also have a Special display table this celebration on 4/19/15 at the National Black Theatre. Luv to see you there!

cds, dr. ben, dr. yosef ben-jochannan, entertainment, events, harlem, historian, imani, kemet, kmt, legend, national black theatre, neter, performance, presentations, programs, refreshments, scholar, singing, sistahs, tribute, womans history mont
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Imani's- MARCH Presentations & Performances updates 2015!
PLEASE NOTE: UPDATES will be POSTED on the following events if neccessary.
Sat, Mar 28 3pm-7pm- S.I.S.T.A.H's Collaborative & Onipa Abusia, Inc presents it Annual
SPA PARTY! Featuring: Wholistic Health & Wellness Presentations, Massage Therapy, Cultural Vendors & MORE!
Imani will vend & do a Mini CRYSTAL HEALING presentation session & mini Chakra Readings during this event at the Onipa Abusia Center 171-32 Liberty Ave Queens, NY!
Adm: $10- Workshops & Refreshments/ $15- per Health Therapy.
MORE info You can contact 347-454-9026 for details!
Sun, Mar 22 & 29 5pm NAMA will host TWO events for it's Annual "LADIES of JAZZ, RTHYM & BLUES" as the Women of NAMA portray various Lady Legends of JAZZ, RYTHM & BLUES! Imani will SING & will Portray the late great Ms. Whitney Houston during the March 29 show!
The 3/22 show was SPECTACULAR, see some photos & video clips from last weekend! CLICK HERE or visit New Amstedam Musical Assoc's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Amsterdam-Musical-Association/102379046471788?fref=ts & come join us for the final show 5pm Sun, March 29!
For Tickets & Info Call Imani 646-201-9644...
crystals, entertainment, eric adams, events, health, her story, march 2015, music, performance, presentation, programs, queen afua, refreshments, singing, sistahs, spa party, spring, wellness, womans history month
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3/29- Imani portray's & SINGS- Whitney Houston at NAMA's
Sun, March 29@ 5pm is Part 2 of NAMA's Annual "LADY LEGENDS" Women's History Month Celebration! As the Women of NAMA portray various Lady Legends of JAZZ, RHYTHM & BLUES, Imani will SING & Portray the late great Ms. WHITNEY HOUSTON during the finale 3/29 show & have CD's! Tickets & Info Call Imani 646-201-9644 or NAMA 212-510-8140 or Email: namaisalive@yahoo.com
See some photos & clips from part 1 event last Sunday! Visit:https://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Amsterdam-Musical-Association/102379046471788?fref=ts

cds, entertainment, events, her story, imani, live band, march 2015, music, performance, presentation, programs, refreshments, singing, sistahs, whitney houston, womans history mont
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Mon, 3/30- Imani & Queen Afua Center exhibit at Borough Hall
PLEASE NOTE: UPDATES will be POSTED on the following events if neccessary.
Mon, Mar 30 5:00pm SAVE the DATE! Brooklyn Borough Hall Pres. Eric Adams presents a Women's History Month Celebration at Borough Hall 209 Joralemon St. (Court & Boerum Sts) Trains: 2,3,4,5 to Borough Hall stop
Imani's Creations will exhibit products & services with the Queen Afua Center in the Women in Business Expo at this event!
FREE ADMISSION, FREE Give-Aways, FREE Samplings! MORE info TBA soon!
crystals, entertainment, eric adams, events, health, her story, march 2015, music, performance, presentation, programs, queen afua, refreshments, singing, sistahs, spa party, spring, wellness, womans history month
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Imani VENDS at Harlem MOTHER's DAY PARADE 2014!
VISIT IMANI'S CREATIONS BOOTH for GIFTS, my CD's, Jewelry, Gemstones & MORE! at this ALL DAY Family Event hosted by: Bishop Queen Mother Shirley Pitts & the Essie Davis Foundation ! 30th Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade! 12pm-2pm Parade fr Lenox Terr / 2pm-6pm at Park Marcus Garvey Park Amphitheater 122nd & Mt. Morris Park Entertainment, Awards, Food, Music & FUN! EVERY DAY is MOTHER'S DAY!
awards, crystals, drummers, entertainment, food, gifts, jewelry, larch, marcus garvey park, mothers day, prizes, refreshments
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Sat, Dec 7- I.C Anniv. Celebration invite!
UJAMAA EMPOWERMENT NETWORK presents...Imani's Creations ANNIVERSARY Celebration! "HEALING with GOOD Vibes!"- Sat, Dec 7, 2013! 6pm-9pm Adm:$10- Location: Trowel & Square Ballroom 26 East 125th St (5th & Madison) Event will feature an exhibit of the evolution of Imani's Creations creative journey over the last 20years as an entreprenuer & give tribute to the works of Lloyd Strayhorn (Master Astro-Numerologist, Author, Radio personality), Lester Loving (Master Pyramidologist) & others! Come enjoy Special Guest Presentations, Crystal Healing Sessions, African Drums, Entertainment, Afrikan HOLISTIC Healing- Massage- Pampering & DANCE! Shop for HOLIDAY GIFTS, WIN PRIZES & MORE! COME and ELEVATE the POWER WITHIN! VENDORS, DRUMMERS, POETS are WELCOMED! For More Info & Tickets: Call Latik 347-697-0441 or Imani 646-201-9644 ADVANCE TICKET LOCATIONS: NICHOLAS VARIETY STORE 5 East 125 St ( (5th & MADISON...
african dance, african drums, anniversary, bro. latik, cds, celebration, consultations, crystals, december, demos, fun, gemstones, gifts, good vibes, greeting cards, harlem, healing, holidays, holistic, imanis creations, jewelry, lester loving, lloyd strayhorn, massage, numbers you, poetry, powerful, presentations, prizes, pyramids, reflexology, refreshments, shopping, singing, spoken word, ujamaa, vendors
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8/2 FASHION SHOW w/ Imani's Creations Jewelry!
| | COME join us for a FASHION SHOW!!! featuring MARILYN'S NY Women- Men & Children's Fashions and Jewelry & Accessories from Imani's Creations! on
Thurs, Aug 2, 2012 6:00pm-9:00pm
Greetings Valued Customer,
You are invited to come SEE the NEWEST & HOTTEST Jewelry/Accessory Line and Crystals/Gemstones from IMANI'S CREATIONS & Entertainment, Inc. at this FASHION SHOW! Also please keep in mind Imani's Creations has fixed Jewelry Display Case in this store so visit & check it out ANYTIME when store is open &/or contact Imani to bring in items not on display &/or for customized orders. Remember to bring your $5- DISCOUNT COUPON FLYER ABOVE or PRINT & present it from Imani's WEBSITE! See more details and contact info below! Hope to see you at the Fashion Show. Have an Awesome Day! One Love, Imani @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Come join us in the FUN! Come Join us during FASHION SHOW at MARILYN'S NY Thurs, Aug 2, 2012
Special STORE Hours: 11:00AM -9:00PM
Fashion Show is 6:00pm-9:00pm FREE Admission Welcome... |
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children, clothing, fashion show, jewelry, men, refreshments, sales, women
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Imani's invite 2 Toast NEW EARRING LINES @ MARILYN'S Boutique 1 & 3rd FRIDAYS!!!
SPECIAL NOTE: Imani's Creations has fixed Jewelry Display Case in this store so visit & check it out ANYTIME store is open or contact me bring in items not on display! BRING 10% DISCOUNT COUPON BELOW!!!
Have an Awesome Day! One Love, Imani @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Come join us in the FUN! Come Join us during MARILYN'S NY "Champagne Fridays" Fri, May 4 & 18, 2012 Special STORE Hours: 11:00AM -9:00PM
5:00pm-9:00pm *Complimentary Champagne & Sparkling Cider with Light Refreshments! (*while Supplies lasts) LOCATION: Marilyn's NY Boutique 541 Malcolm X Blvd. (137th & 138th St) Trains- #2/3 to 135th St opposite Harlem Salvation Army WIN PRIZES & FREE GIFTS! _________ More Info Call Imani: 646-201-9644/ 800-805-4614 or Marilyn: 646-593-6905 or Visit Store or Online:
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bracelets, champagne, cider, clothes, discounts, earrings, hairornaments, harlem, jewelry, loc jewelry, necklaces, refreshments, rings, sparkling, toast
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NEW JEWELRY fr.. Imani at MARILYN'S NY 1st & 3rd Fridays!
| | COME join us EVERY 1st & 3rd FRIDAY!
FREE Champagne & Light Refreshments as you BROWSE! WIN PRIZES, GIFTS & More! Our next Dates- Fri April 20 & May 4 & 18, 2012. Location MARILYN'S NY at 541 Malcolm X Blvd (betw'n 137 & 138th St). Featuring Clothing for Women, Men & Children from MARILYN'S plus Travel Services, and the NEWEST Jewelry/Accessories Line and Gemstones from Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc. Regular Store Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-7pm. Champagne Fridays segment hosted during a 5:00PM - 9:00PM extension! Here's your chance to SEE & GET NEW Products! Come Let us DRESS & ADORN YOU! Plus hear more about our exciting Travel services, as we drop JEWELS on how to SAVE Money and even EARN Money on your HOLIDAY Travels. Turn your Va-cation into a PAY- Cation this Spring, Summer, Fall &/or Winter at your One Stop SHOP!!! Have an Awesome Day! One Love, Imani @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Come join us in the FUN! Come Join us during MARILYN'S NY "Champagne Fridays" ... |
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accessories, bracelets, children, clothing, crystals, cultural, discounts, dresses, earrings, free champagne, geifts, gems, gemstones, hairornaments, harlem, imanis creations, jewelry, men, mothers day, necklaces, new york. prizes, pay-cation, promotional, refreshments, rings, sales. specials, toerings, travel services, vacation, women
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1/7-Imani's B'Day PARTY & CAPRICORN TRIBUTE! Kwanzaa THANK YOU'S & Contacts
| 1st EVENT for 2012: Imani's B-Earth Day Party & Annual CAPRICORN TRIBUTE 2012! Sat, Jan 7, 2012 8:00pm - UNTIL
Open Mic/ JAM Session- Special Performace by Imani Scott, Bring your Talents & Instruments!
Special Birthday Salute to Life & Works of CAPRICORNS- Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Jr., Dr. Ben, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Nana Camille Yarbrough, George Edward Tait, 1st Lady Michelle Obama, Denzil Washington & MORE! FREE HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gifts & PRIZES to 20 CAPRICORNS thru the NIGHT! then DANCE & PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG! To the Musical Vibes of House, R&B, Soul- Classics, Roots & Reggae! Ain't No Party like an Ole' Skool Party...Cause an Ole' Skool Party Don't Stop!!!
Delicious Refreshments, Roots Tonics, and Imani's Creations Jewelry, Gemstones, CD's, Kwanzaa Cards, Art & Crafts & other Products on SALE ALL Night! Location: N.A.M.A (New Amsterdam Musical Assoc.) 107 W. 130th St (Malcolm X & Adam C. Powell Blvd) Trains: #2/3 to 125th or 135th St ONLINE Limited... |
2012, birthday, capricorn, contacts, crystals, dance, dancing, dr. johnhenrikclarke, dr. l.jeffries, dr.ben, drummers, food, fun, gemstones, gifts, harlem, historical, housemusic, imani, instruments, jamm, jamming, jewelry, kwanzaa, n.a.m.a, newyork, open-mic, party, performances, rb, refreshments, reggae, soul-classics, support, thankyou, tonics, tribute, ujima, uptown
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Imani's- ALL Weekend CARIBBEAN Send-off SALE & Raffle!!!
| | We're heading to the Caribbean & We hope to see you at ONE or MORE of these WEEKEND SEND-OFF EVENTS!!! BRING Coupon FLYER below to ANY or ALL events & *GET 10% off your purchase $10-& up... and a chance to WIN a FREE Vacation, Prizes & Gifts! SALES on going Sept 16-30, 2011. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EVENT#1 Come join us in the FUN!!! at MARILYN'S NY "Champagne Fridays" for our
"Sweet CARIBBEAN SEND-OFF Come Go to the Islands with Us, Celebrity Style! END of Summer Savings on... Travel, Clothing & JEWELRY! SPECIAL SALE EVENT!  BRING COPY of FLYER Above to ANY or ALL Events ... Get 10% OFF! Selected I.C Jewelry & Crystals! Friday, Sept 16 & 30, 2011 5:00pm-9:00pm location : Marilyn's NY 541 Malcolm X Blvd. (137th & 138th St) Trains- #2/3 to 135th St opp. Harlem Salvation Army WIN a FREE VACATION &/or FREE GIVEAWAYS! (Drawing 9/16 & 9/30,2011) *Light Refreshments & Complimentary Champagne! (*while Supplies lasts) _________________ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ EVENT #2 Sat,...
antigua, bahamas, beach, business, caribbean, champagne, children, crystals, dresses, fashion, free, fun, hotel, jamaica, jewelry, lasvegas, men, mexico, prizes, raffle, refreshments, st.lucia, sun, talent, talents, travel, vacations, videopresentation, women
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our BOOTH at DANCE AFRICA 2011- Queen Afua, Bro. Polight & Imani
| | HOLIDAY WEEKEND EVENT Coming to DANCE AFRICA 2011 at BAM? COME SEE US, TAKE YOUR HEALING HIGHER for 2012 & BEYOND!!! . BOOTH LOCATION as WE OPEN the WAY with the 1st BOOTH on ASHLAND AVE as you enter from FULTON STREET! (Opposite 3rd Parking Lot, next to New Being- Nekena Evans) At BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music)!!! Sun, May 29 & Mon, 30, 2011 3:30p-8pm
Author of Heal Thyself, Sacred Woman, City of Wellness & Newest Release- Overcoming an Angry Vagina- Journey to WOMB Wellness! Product Sample Tastings! _________________________ IMANI'S CREATIONS & Entertainment, Inc. Will feature: - High Vibrational Products Divine Crystals, Charged Gemstone Jewelry/accessories, Health Products Empowerment Services- Travel & Leisure, & Social Concious Networking - will be available for access & purchase at Booth! Enter to Win!!! Free Dinner for TWO at the NEW UPTOWN JUICE BAR- Vegetarian Restaurant! 14 E. 125th St (5th Ave & Madison) ___________ Bro. NYSUT POLIGHT 27 yr. old Author of over 50 Powerful Books! Family features Products for SALE: BOOKS, TAPES, DVD's, etc, to Nourish the Mind & Spirit & Tasty Light Vegetarian Refreshments! for the... |
bam, books, bro.polight, crystals, danceafrica, greenlife, healing, imani, jewelry, pendant, products, queenafua, refreshments, tapes
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LOVE Shouldn't Hurt- Community Event
| Imani encourages you to please SHARE with Someone , SUPPORT &/or be Empowered by the Works and Healing Mission of W.A.R.M... (Any Trouble viewing CLICK HERE)
Raising Awareness in the Community about Issues of Domestic Violence Mon,MAY 23, 2011 6pm-8pm (SEE MORE DATES LISTED BELOW)
SHOULDN'T HURT! W.A.R.M Support Group welcomes: a SURVIVOR'S Story presenting "A STORY of EMPOWERMENT" PLACE: Goddard Riverside Community Center 140 W. 140th ST (Lenox & 7th) other Upcoming Dates of W.A.R.M Events: May 23::: June 27 ::: July 25 ::: Aug 29 SPONSORS: KEITH L.T. WRIGHT MEMBER of ASSEMBLY Make My Cake* Pathmark* Carol's Daughter* Jacob's
Light Refreshments Will Be Served For More Info CLICK on Link Below or Visit: www.WeAllReallyMatter.org or Call Stephanie McGraw. (Founder) 646-488-0338 |
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abuse, care, community, concern, empowerment, family, friends, harlem, healing, help, recovery, refreshments, resources, support, supportgroup, survivors, victory, violations, weallreallymatter, women
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| | Greetings, YOU'RE invited as my GUEST! I am sooo excited to share this wonderful opportunity with you to JOIN us for a CRAZY GOOD party with a Financial purpose in NEW YORK CITY! The Social Network Revolution CHANGING the face of FACEBOOK and others! COME AND JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION AND SOCIAL NETWORKING WITH THE NYC CRAZYGOOD DIVAS THERE WILL BE MUSIC, CRAZY GOOD RAFFLES, LIGHT REFRESHMENTS AND GREAT CONVERSATION WITH SPECIAL INVITED CELEBRITY GUESTS Guest Speaker: Dr. Elon Bomani Millionaire Mom & author of "Dynamic Diva Dollars & Wealth Chants" As seen on "The Talk" "NBC", ABC, BET & More! in the HEART of MIDTOWN NEW YORK! RIPLEY GRIER STUDIOS 520 8TH AVE STE. #16Q (between 36 & 37th St) NEW YORK, NY 10018 Closest Trains: A,B,C,D - 34th St | More Info or to R.S.V.P www.nyccrazygooddivas.eventbrite.com or call Imani 646-201-9644 / 800-805-4614 Have a CRAZYGOOD day! Peace, Power & Pro$perity! ... |
business, career, economics, empowermemt, event, fun, info, insider, internetwealth, leisure, music, network, party, presentations, raffles, refreshments, social
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Imani sings at ART HOUSE JAZZ EVENT!
Imani is Singing at this Special Event, and you're invited to attend!!! The Black Folk Artists Collective is having it FIRST Event....presenting Art, Music, and Culture as you have never seen heard or experienced before! "ART HOUSE JAZZ!" - an exciting new concept in presenting Black Culture! *****A Visual Feast, Musical Electricity, Mind Blowing Cultural Experience**** Featuring original Sculptures by Harlem Artist SHAKA; Jazzy Funky music by KING KTAKEI and friends; and hosted by Stage Actor LASANA AKACHI! More Details Below.... __________________________________
If Any Trouble viewing CLICK HERE or visit http://www.imaniscreations.com/cgi-bin/blog
Featuring Amazing Art Sculptures & Painting by SHAKA! Wed, March 9, 2011 6:00pm-10:00pm Adm: $5- Admission is $5 and includes Art exhibit, Music, and Refreshments!
Location: New Amsterdam Musical Assoc. (N.A.M.A) 107 W.130th St. (Terrace Garden Level) (betw'n Malcolm X & Adam C. Powell Blvd) Admission is $5 and includes Art exhibit, Music, and Refreshments! |
art, artistic, culture, jazz, music, musicians, paintings, refreshments, sculptures, talent
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